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`View' menu

Zoom In [Ctrl+$ <$ plus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'Ctrl+mouse-wheel-up' or 'mouse-middle+mouse-left'.

Zoom in to double magnification. With the mouse controls, the zoom will be centered at the cursor. The keyboard control zooms in around the top-left point of the image.

Zoom Out [Ctrl+$ <$ minus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'Ctrl+mouse-wheel-down' or 'mouse-middle+mouse-right'.

Zoom out to half magnification. With the mouse controls, the zoom will be centered at the cursor. The keyboard control zooms out around the top-left point of the image.

Center [(Numpad) 5] M

Alternative control: 'Ctrl+left-click'.

Center the image within the current image frame.

Fit Window [Ctrl+(Numpad) 5] M

Alternative control: 'Ctrl+right-click'.

Expand or shrink the image frame to fit the current image.

Align All [A]

Change zoom and relative image to frame position on all other images to match current image.

Apply to Current Image [Shift+C]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar pane marked with 'Current/Multiple/All'.

Default behavior of HDR Shop - perform all operations on current image only. See 'Window$ \to $ Select multiple or reorder images' (15.15) to control selection of images.

Apply to Multiple Images [Shift+M]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar pane marked with 'Current/Multiple/All'.

Perform multi-image enabled operations on selected images. See 'Window$ \to $ Select multiple or reorder images' (15.15) to control selection of images.

Apply to All Images [Shift+A]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar pane marked with 'Current/Multiple/All'.

Perform multi-image enabled operations on all images. See 'Window$ \to $ Select multiple or reorder images' (15.15) to control selection of images.

Exposure$ \to $ Stop Up [$ <$ plus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'mouse-wheel-up'.

Increase the exposure by 1 stop (pixel values $ \times\ 2^1$ ).

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values (unless subsequently done with 'Scale to current exposure': 10.63).

Exposure$ \to $ 1/10 Stop Up [Shift+$ <$ plus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'Shift+mouse-wheel-up'.

Increase the exposure by $ \frac{1}{10}$ stop (pixel values $ \times\ 2^0.1$ ).

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values (unless subsequently done with 'Scale to current exposure': 10.63).

Exposure$ \to $ 1/10 Stop Down [Shift+$ <$ minus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'Shift+mouse-wheel-down'.

Decrease the exposure by $ \frac{1}{10}$ stop (pixel values $ \div\ 2^0.1$ ).

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values (unless subsequently done with 'Scale to current exposure': 10.63).

Exposure$ \to $ Stop Down [$ <$ minus$ >$ ] M

Alternative control: 'mouse-wheel-down'.

Decrease the exposure by 1 stop (pixel values $ \div\ 2^1$ ).

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values (unless subsequently done with 'Scale to current exposure': 10.63).

Exposure$ \to $ Stop All to Current [Q]

Set display exposure on all other images to that of the current image.

Exposure$ \to $ Reset to Zero [0] M

Reset display exposure to zero stops.

Exposure$ \to $ Custom... M

Set display exposure of current image to a custom value.

Display Curve$ \to $ Gamma 2.2

Set display exposure of current image to gamma 2.2.

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values.

Display Curve$ \to $ Gamma 1.75

Set display exposure of current image to gamma 1.75.

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values.

Display Curve$ \to $ Gamma 1.0

Set display exposure of current image to gamma 1.0.

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values.

Display Curve$ \to $ Custom...

Set display exposure of current image to a custom gamma value.

Note: changing exposure only affects the displayed values, not the underlying pixel values. The custom gamma dialog has been improved to allow the user to calibrate their particular system to the 'best' gamma for displaying images in HDR Shop:

Image gammaDlg


Select DVI or VGA depending on your monitor connection.
For DVI: the inner square is a dithered black and gamma-corrected grey checkerboard pattern.
For VGA: the inner square is an alternating black and gamma-corrected grey scanline pattern.
The outer square grey linear intensity is the average linear intensity of the dithered pattern.
When the optimum display gamma for the current monitor is selected the inner square should be as close to invisible against the outer square...
Fine tune with the Mouse wheel, Arrow or Page Up/Down keys...

Also note that the value chosen for the best gamma value is written to the registry entry for HDR Shop and automatically applied to all LDR images subsequently saved or loaded with HDR Shop.

Display Options$ \to $ Negative Colors$ \to $ Absolute Value M

Control how negative values are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Negative pixel values are valid inside HDR Shop and some associated HDR file formats (pfm, tif, fim).
Set to 'Absolute Value' (default behavior) displays negative values as positive (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Negative Colors$ \to $ Black M

Control how negative values are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Negative pixel values are valid inside HDR Shop and some associated HDR file formats (pfm, tif, fim).
Set to 'Black' displays negative values as black (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Negative Colors$ \to $ Color... M

Control how negative values are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Negative pixel values are valid inside HDR Shop and some associated HDR file formats (pfm, tif, fim).
Set to 'Color' displays negative values with the chosen color (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Negative Colors$ \to $ Offset Gray M

Control how negative values are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Negative pixel values are valid inside HDR Shop and some associated HDR file formats (pfm, tif, fim).
Set to 'Offset Gray' maps [-1$ \to $ 1] to [0$ \to $ 1] with 0 = 50% grey (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Negative Colors$ \to $ Negative M

Control how negative values are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Negative pixel values are valid inside HDR Shop and some associated HDR file formats (pfm, tif, fim).
Set to 'Negative' displays negative values and positive values with the same absolute value to different colors. This is useful for viewing eg Spherical Harmonics which can have the same absolute value across alternate lobes, but opposite sign.

Display Options$ \to $ Saturated Colors$ \to $ Normal M

Control how saturated values (pixel values greater than 1 at 0 stops) are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Set to 'Normal' displays saturated values as for channel values = 1 (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Saturated Colors$ \to $ Color... M

Control how saturated values (pixel values greater than 1 at 0 stops) are displayed inside HDR Shop.
Set to 'Color' displays pixels with any saturated channel in the chosen color (no change to actual pixel values).

Display Options$ \to $ Channel Mask$ \to $ Mask/Only Display Red [1/Ctrl+1] M

Display the image with the red channel set to zero or with only the red channel present.

Display Options$ \to $ Channel Mask$ \to $ Mask/Only Display Green [2/Ctrl+2] M

Display the image with the green channel set to zero or with only the green channel present.

Display Options$ \to $ Channel Mask$ \to $ Mask/Only Display Blue [3/Ctrl+3] M

Display the image with the blue channel set to zero or with only the blue channel present.

Display Options$ \to $ Channel Mask$ \to $ Show All [Ctrl+$ <$  $ >$ ] M

Display the image with all channels set to zero or with all channels present.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 3 [Shift+3]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 3 decimal places precision.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 5 [Shift+5]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 5 decimal places precision.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 8 [Shift+8]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 8 decimal places precision.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 3 (Scientific Not.) [Ctrl+Shift+3]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 3 decimal places precision in Scientific Notation.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 5 (Scientific Not.) [Ctrl+Shift+5]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 3 decimal places precision in Scientific Notation.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ 8 (Scientific Not.) [Ctrl+Shift+8]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 3 decimal places precision in Scientific Notation.

Display Options$ \to $ Precision (Decimal Places)$ \to $ uchar gamma corrected [Shift+U]

Alternative control: left-click on status-bar panes displaying pixel values.

Show displayed pixel values to 0-255 gamma-corrected unsigned char value (values obtained from the gamma-corrected display buffer).

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Generated by Bruce Lamond on 2009-03-16