"The Parthenon" is a short computer animation which visually reunites the Parthenon and its sculptural decorations, separated since the early 1800s. The film used combinations of time-of-flight laser scanning, structured light scanning, photometric stereo, inverse global illumination, photogrammetric modeling, image-based rendering, BRDF measurement, and Monte-Carlo global illumination in order to create the twenty-some shots used in the film.
Image-Based Models: Geometry and Reflectance Acquisition Systems
Chris Tchou. UC Berkeley Master's Thesis. December 2002
Digital Reunification of the Parthenon and its Sculptures
Jessi Stumpfel, Christopher Tchou, Nathan Yun, Philippe Martinez, Timothy Hawkins,
Andrew Jones, Brian Emerson, Paul Debevec.
4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural
Heritage, Brighton, UK, 2003
Photometric Stereo for Archeological Inscriptions
Per Einarsson, Tim Hawkins, Paul Debevec. SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketch, Los Angeles, July 2004
Modelling from Multiple Photographs Using Points and Silhouettes
Tim Hawkins. SIGGRAPH 2004 Poster, Los Angeles, July 2004
Direct HDR Capture of the Sun and Sky
Jessi Stumpfel, Andrew Jones, Andreas Wenger, and Paul Debevec. 3rd International
Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa,
Stellenbosch (Cape Town), South Africa, November 2004
Estimating Surface Reflectance Properties of a Complex Scene under Captured Natural Illumination
Paul Debevec, Chris Tchou, Andrew Gardner, Tim Hawkins, Charis Poullis, Jessi Stumpfel, Andrew Jones,
Nathaniel Yun, Per Einarsson, Therese Lundgren, Marcos Fajardo, and Philippe Martinez.
USC ICT Technical Report ICT-TR-06.2004, December 2004.
Making "The Parthenon"
Paul Debevec. 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage,
Pisa, Italy, December 2005.
The Parthenon visually reunites the Parthenon and its sculptures, removed to the British Museum in the beginning of the 19th century. The film uses 3D laser scanning, image-based rendering, HDRI, image-based lighting, and monte-carlo global illumination to create the twenty fully CG shots in the film.
For screening and material use inquiries please contact:
Dr. Paul Debevec
ICT Graphics Laboratory
University of Southern California
Institute for Creative Technologies
12015 East Waterfront Dr.
Playa Vista, CA 90094