by Yamada, Hideshi, Peers, Pieter and Debevec, Paul
We present a novel compression method for fixed viewpoint re- flectance fields, captured for example by a Light Stage. Our com- pressed representation consists of a global approximation that ex- ploits the similarities between the reflectance functions of different pixels, and a local approximation that encodes the per-pixel resid- ual with the global approximation. Key to our method is a clustered sparse residual factorization. This sparse residual factorization en- sures that the per-pixel residual matrix is as sparse as possible, en- abling a compact local approximation. Finally, we demonstrate that the presented compact representation is well suited for high-quality real-time rendering.
Compact Representation of Reflectance Fields using Clustered Sparse Residual Factorization (Yamada, Hideshi, Peers, Pieter and Debevec, Paul), Technical report ICT TR 02 2009, University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
type = {{ICT} {Technical} {Report}},
title = {Compact {Representation} of {Reflectance} {Fields} using {Clustered} {Sparse} {Residual} {Factorization}},
url = {},
abstract = {We present a novel compression method for fixed viewpoint re- flectance fields, captured for example by a Light Stage. Our com- pressed representation consists of a global approximation that ex- ploits the similarities between the reflectance functions of different pixels, and a local approximation that encodes the per-pixel resid- ual with the global approximation. Key to our method is a clustered sparse residual factorization. This sparse residual factorization en- sures that the per-pixel residual matrix is as sparse as possible, en- abling a compact local approximation. Finally, we demonstrate that the presented compact representation is well suited for high-quality real-time rendering.},
number = {ICT TR 02 2009},
institution = {University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies},
author = {Yamada, Hideshi and Peers, Pieter and Debevec, Paul},
year = {2009},
keywords = {Graphics}